Auto-Electric Services
in Bangor
Any Vehicle, Any Repair, At Bangor Auto Service We're Here For You
Bangor Auto Services
Quality Auto Repair and Auto-Electrical Services
If you are looking for a mechanic or garage that can help you with issues on your vehicle that relate to the auto-electrics, get in touch with Bangor Auto Services. We are specialists in modern cars and vans and we use the latest technology to diagnose and correct any issues that your vehicles may be experiencing.
Auto-Electrics Services
Stay Safe with Bangor Auto Services
A lot of us only ever notice a fault with our cars when a light comes on in the dashboard or when something is clearly wrong. The diagnostic lights, the headlights, the alarm system, starter motor, alternator and circuit board are all controlled by the auto electrics of the car. Here at Bangor Auto Services, we have the most up to date diagnostic equipment and a highly trained, experienced team to interpret the results of the diagnostics and then correct the fault. Our engineers are experts in auto-electrical systems and can work on a wide range of makes and models.
Get in touch now for more information or, alternatively, take a look at our other services, which include ADAS calibrations and air conditioning services.
Contact Us
If you are looking for auto-electric services, choose Bangor Auto Services today. Please note, we aim to respond to all email or form enquires within a 48-hour period. If your request is urgent, please give us a call on the number below.